Singing Guide: Brett Young

Singing Guide: Brett Young

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you trying to learn to sing like Brett Young? If so, you're in the right place. Brett Young is one of the most popular country singers today, with a smooth and emotional voice that draws fans in. In this article, we'll explore some of Brett Young's unique vocal techniques and provide practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like him.

Brett Young's Unique Vocal Techniques

One of the defining characteristics of Brett Young's voice is his use of falsetto. This is particularly evident in his hit song "Sleep Without You," where he uses falsetto to reach high notes in the chorus. Brett also has a unique voice quality that is both smooth and emotive, which he achieves through his use of dynamics and vibrato.

Brett Young's Songs Showcasing His Vocal Technique

To learn to sing like Brett Young, it's helpful to listen to and practice singing his songs. Some songs that showcase his unique vocal technique are:

  • "Sleep Without You"
  • "In Case You Didn't Know"
  • "Mercy"
  • "Like I Loved You"
  • "Here Tonight"

Practical Advice

To develop a voice like Brett Young, you can try the following exercises and adopt some healthy singing habits.

Firstly, it is important to warm up your voice before singing. You can practice vocal warm-ups like humming, Farinelli breathing, soft palate control exercises, and vocal sirens to help release any tension in your voice.

Secondly, it's important to practice your breath support to achieve the same clean and spirited sound as Brett Young on songs. You can follow Singing Carrots' breathing and breath support advice, like classifying respiration and active/passive breathing techniques.

Thirdly, work on developing your vibrato and dynamics control. Singing Carrots' resources have vocal exercise routines that are designed to help you master breath and support, resonance, and vibrato. Similarly, Brett Young uses vibrato and dynamics to add emotion and smoothness to his voice, which makes his singing captivating.

Lastly, recording yourself while practicing can help you identify any problem areas and areas you can improve.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a wide range of resources to help you learn to sing like Brett Young. Here are some of the most helpful resources:

  • Brett Young's songs on Songbook and search song tools
  • Singers can also take Singing Starter course, as it covers important skills like breathing, posture, vocal health, vocal range, and more!
  • Vocal range test to know how your vocal range compares to Brett Young's vocal range
  • Vocal pitch monitor to show your pitch accuracy and help identify areas of improvement
  • Pitch accuracy test to identify how closely you match the pitch of a melody
  • Pitch training exercises that can help you develop your vibrato, falsetto and other singing techniques like heavy modal, growling, and twang

There are many useful articles with practical tips and singing exercises on Singing Carrots that can help you achieve Brett Young's singing style, like analyzing your voice, singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, understanding voice registers and break, and much more!


Learning to sing like Brett Young takes practice, patience, and the right resources. By listening to Brett's songs, practicing relevant vocal techniques, and using the Singing Carrots resources mentioned in this article, you can improve your singing skills and sound like Brett in no time. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.